The Thousand Faces of Dunjia (2020)

The Thousand Faces of Dunjia

After his dad was killed by a demon, a young brave man learns the art of DunJia for revenge against the Demon.

2020 | 84 min | Action

D: Hesheng Xiang, Qiuliang Xiang

W: Hark Tsui, Junzi Wei, Shaofei Xu

A: Peng He, Eddy Ko, Yen-Jou Lin

IMDb | The world is on the brink of catastrophe in a chaotic age where evil demons roam. In order to keep evil at bay, a mysterious organisation from the pugilist world emerges. A new constable and a young girl with a mysterious past are also drawn into this group, and the group embarks on an incredible adventure.



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Internet Movie Database | 5.6/10